Coaching Supervision
Coach training will provide foundational skills.
Mentor coaching provides feedback to help you skillfully deploy those skills in real coaching conversations.
But finding your authentic voice and confidence as a coach requires systematic practice and reflection over time.
There's no foolproof best practice formula to thrive in this profession, only your evolution as a person, and a professional.
New coaching techniques and tools are great... but ultimately, what you offer your clients is you.
"Who you are," says Edna Murdoch, "is how you coach."
This is the exploration, promise and opportunity of coaching supervision.

Inner Team Dialogue
Inner Team Dialogue (ITD) is a coach development program founded by Paul in 2020. It's an evolution of a parts-work method named Voice Dialogue, rebuilt to fit the scope of practice of a coach.
Paul offers small-group, virtual training programs for qualified coaches, and mentor coaching and supervision groups for ITD practitioners.