Top Five Reasons High Performing Coaches Hire a Coaching Supervisor
Coaching supervision is required in Europe by EMCC, but it's new to many coaches in the US. Here are the top five reasons why top coaches hire coaching supervisors.

1. To be a better coach
The simplest definition of supervision comes from Michael Carroll (2007): “Supervision is a forum where supervisees review and reflect on their work in order to do it better.”
This is achieved through systematic, deliberate reflection, and the cultivation of the capacity to remain curious about your work, your clients and yourself.
2. To have a confidential, experienced ally
A coaching supervisor does not compare the coach to some ideal standard of perfect coaching technique, judging and evaluating his or her performance. Rather, a supervisor is a trusted colleague and co-creative partner who will walk with you as you explore the terrain of the science and art of coaching, in order to bring your very best self to your clients.

3. To overcome self doubt... and over-confidence
Does a lack of client complaints confirm you are coaching effectively?
Even after effusive praise from their clients, do you worry that you should be doing something different, something better?
Working alone, most coaches are starved for an outside view of their work. A lack of feedback breeds - paradoxically - both overconfidence and under-confidence. It’s hard to see yourself and your work clearly, no matter how self-aware you are.
A supervisor, who is not working directly with the client or in the client’s system, may see what the practitioner cannot see alone.
"Supervision is like standing in front of a mirror with someone else, who can see things about you that you’re too familiar to notice.” (Clutterbuck, 1999).
4. To Get Help Navigating Sticky Situations
Every coach encounters sticky situations: a challenging client, a shifting contract, a difficult session that you just can’t shake off, a client who leaves you feeling depleted or inadequate.
It’s at these uncomfortable edges of your practice that insights - and sometimes breakthroughs - are accessible.
In the interplay of perspectives (the coach, the client, the client’s organization and the supervisor) a more conscious practice emerges, enabling greater presence, freshness and joy in the work.

5. To Earn ICF Core Competency CEUs
Coaching Supervision qualifies for up to 10 hours per year of Core Competency CEU credit with the ICF.